Development and psychometric analysis of children's environmental health knowledge (ChEHK-Q) and children's environmental health skills (ChEHS-Q) questionnairesthe e-NurSus Children intervention and student nurses' environmental health competencies
- Isabel María López Medina Directora
- Carmen Álvarez Nieto Codirectora
Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 24 de mayo de 2019
- José Carlos Canca Sánchez Presidente/a
- Manuel Linares Abad Secretario
- Norma Huss Vocal
Tipo: Tesis
Nurses with children´s environmental health competencies can take care of environmental problems. The inclusion of environmental issues in the nursing curriculum using the new technologies is essential. This study has developed and validated the Children's Environmental Health Knowledge and Skills Questionnaire (ChEHK-Q / ChEHS-Q) for measuring knowledge of and skills in children´s environmental health, respectively, among Spanish and British nursing students. The 87.53 % of the Spanish students had positive attitudes, but only the 20.35% of them had good knowledge and the 47.20% had good skills to deal environmental problems. The 97.45% of the British students had good attitudes, the 22.41% had good knowledge and the 33.62% had good skills. The e-NurSus Children intervention improved environmental health knowledge the most (39.02%), followed by skills (29.98%) and finally attitudes (15.81%). It is necessary to change the curriculum, as students have positive attitudes towards this but lack knowledge and skills.