Geographic information technology (GYT) contributions and economic analysys in the context of incentivized sustainable mobility for a medium-sized smart city

  1. Herrador Muñoz, Manuel
Supervised by:
  1. Enrique Bernal Jurado Director
  2. Francisco Feito Higueruela Director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 13 July 2015

  1. Juan Carlos Torres Cantero Chair
  2. Encarnación Moral Pajares Secretary
  3. Alexandre Miguel Barbosa Valle de Carvalho Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 394391 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


Multidisciplinary thesis which starts from Sustainable Business Models ot Mobility (SBMM) and their applied Smart City solutions, then it is defined our own SBMM as "Incentivized Sustainable Mobility". The "ISUMO" platfonn is described in order to provide technical support to this SBMM, being also proposed tor 2 international projects. As ISUMO implementation, was created a GIT solution named "Recarga Jaen" which includes - with a patent obtained - a charging device development tor electric vehicles, as initiative of a la'rger project, the "SmartCityJaen". Finally, it is described (1) a real-time GIT and App tor the public bus, and (2) a theoretical system for faster detection of wildfires, as a contribution to the global reduction of C02 emissions. SmartCityJaén remains open to any possible public-private technological developments that may improve the city services, in association with the Public Administration and RECI (Spanish Nelwork of Smart Cities).