Diferencias de personalidad, autoconcepto, ansiedad y trastornos de alimentación en deportistas de musculaciónpatrones psicológicos asociados a la vigorexia
- Castro López, Rosario
- David Molero López-Barajas Director
- María Luisa Zagalaz Sánchez Director
Defence university: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 12 March 2013
- Santiago Romero Granados Chair
- Javier Cachón Zagalaz Secretary
- Marta Domínguez Escribano Committee member
Type: Thesis
The following study is aimed to the detection of psychological indicators which could be associated to reverse anorexia as one of the varieties studied. An approximation study has been carried out focusing on the profile of several body-builders of the Spanish province of Jaén, since they are the group the most likely to suffer from this disorder, by analysing several behavioural and personality factors, such as self-concept, anxiety eating disorders, or personality, trying to detect the prevalence of reverse anorexia in the area of Jaén. In order to achieve the aims set out in the paragraph above, and to evaluate the personal features already mentioned, several quantitative tests approved by the scientific community have been used throughout the three main analyses done: first of all, a descriptive study that offers information about the personal and psychological features of the subjects; secondly, a relation study that analyses the dimensions of the different methods used and, finally, a regression study has been conducted to find out which dimensions predict reverse anorexia to a greater extent in the subjects studied. The results achieved represent a deep study of socio-demographic, personal and psychological features, analysing them separately from this group and also as inherent factors to the outbreak of reverse anorexia, which have showed some possible inequalities in the utility for the lecturer/researcher within the sport field.