Información terapéutica, satisfacción y confianza en fisioterapiainstrumentos de medida y estudio correlacional en centros de fisioterapia de Andalucía Oriental

  1. Osuna Pérez, M. Catalina
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco Pedro García Fernández Director
  2. Pedro Luis Pancorbo Hidalgo Director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 14 September 2012

  1. Manuel Arroyo Morales Chair
  2. Antonio Frías Osuna Secretary
  3. Carmen Moreno Lorenzo Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 363714 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


This PHD thesis develops and validates three original questionnaires: "Therapeutic Information Perceived by physical therapy patients", "Therapeutic Information Provided by the physiotherapist" and "Patient Trust into the physiotherapist". Also, was performed a cross-cultural adaptation and spanish validation of "MedRisk instrument for measuring patient satisfaction with physical therapy care” and “Patients trust in their primary care providers WAKE FOREST questionnaire". All instruments are highly reliable and valid. A descriptive study was performed in n=333 patients and n=73 physiotherapists from 25 physiotheraphy centers in Eastern Andalucía randomly selected (4 hospitals, 6 Primary healthcare centres and 15 private consultations). The study evaluated the information, the satisfaction, trust and other influential variables. Patient information was associated to private centers, younger patients and health improvement. Satisfaction was associated with high level education and improved health, and Trust with a longer session and improving health. Information, Satisfaction and Trust were positively associated, especially Satisfaction and Trust.