Estudio del pretratamiento con agua caliente en fase líquida de la paja de trigo para su conversión biológica a etanol
- Pérez Jiménez, Jose Antonio
- Ignacio Ballesteros Perdices Director
- Paloma Manzanares Secades Director
Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 16 de maio de 2008
- Valentín Pérez Herranz Presidente/a
- Encarnación Ruiz Ramos Secretaria
- Maria Jesús González Muñoz Vogal
- Marta Roldán Medina Vogal
- José Miguel Oliva Domínguez Vogal
Tipo: Tese
This work deals with the pretreatment of a lignocellulosic substrate such as wheat straw by the hydrothermal process Liquid Hot Water (LHW) for its biological conversion to ethanol by a simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process. The main goal is to optimize pretreatment conditions leading to maximum release and recovery of fermentable sugars in the two fractions generated after pretreatment: water insoluble solids (WIS) and liquid fraction. The work has been performed by using design of experiments methodology in successive stages. Changes in the composition of WIS and liquid fractions, as well as in the digestibility of cellulose contained in WIS in relation to the raw material, were used as response variables to the pretreatment factors.