Aspectos relevantes de la ecología del jabalí (Sus Scrofa L., 1758) en Sierra Nevada

  1. Cano-Manuel León, Francisco Javier
Supervised by:
  1. José Enrique Granados Torres Director
  2. Jesús M. Pérez Jiménez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 13 November 2014

  1. P. G. Meneguz Chair
  2. Carme Rosell Pagès Secretary
  3. Ramón C. Soriguer Escofet Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 389560 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


The wild boar is a key element regarding the function of Sierra Nevada ecosystems. In this study, different biological and ecological issues involving the Sierra Nevada wild boar population are analyzed. It focuses two basic aspects: population ecology and ecopathology. Within the first line, the morphological and growth patterns, the reproductive behavior of females, the population structure, the use of habitat, the home range, the dynamics of the population density and the management of this population as well, have been studied. Regarding the ecopathological study, the presence and epidemiology of thirteen pathogen agents have been investigated during a seven years period. We noticed that this species is a reservoir for certain pathogens. Moreover, different strategies devoted to manage the infecto-contagious agents of this wild boar population (e.g., management actions and epidemiological surveillance) are proposed