París, itinerario artístico en la obra de Enrique Gómez Carrillo
- Encarnación Medina Arjona Directora
Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 11 de de desembre de 2008
- Francisco Javier del Prado Biezma President/a
- Genara Pulido Tirado Secretària
- María Dolores Bermúdez Medina Vocal
- Àngels Santa Bañeres Vocal
- Mercè Boixareu Vilaplana Vocal
Tipus: Tesi
The capital of France is the indisputable protagonist of the works by Enrique Gomez Carrillo (1873-1927), a Guatemaltecan journalist and an important representative of modernist literature who, from the end of the nineteenth century till his death, lived in Paris. As a Spanish-language journalist, he reported cultural news of this city (as well as other European issues of interest) to both Spanish and Spanish-American audiences. He loved Paris, which he saw as a synonym of bohemian culture and art and as the ideal city for intellectuals, a vision which he widely disseminated through his varied work (comprising articles, autobiography, novels, travel journals, First-World-War chronicles …). The aim of this thesis is to analyze Carrillo’s works by focusing on their references to Paris, so as to reach meaningful conclusions about his idiosyncratic contribution to the construction of the myth of cosmopolitan Paris as the most important cultural focus in Europe.