Estudio florístico y fitocenótico de la vegetación halófila andaluzabases para su gestión y conservación

  1. Lendínez, María Lucía
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Carlos Salazar Mendía Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 10 von Dezember von 2010

  1. Francisco Valle Tendero Präsident/in
  2. Francisco José Guerrero Ruiz Sekretär
  3. Mercedes Herrera Gallastegui Vocal
  4. María Ángeles Alonso Vargas Vocal
  5. Juan Francisco Mota Poveda Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 307773 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


The high number of wetlands in Andalusia, among which some of the most emblematic and valuable of Spain can be found, highlights the importance of humid areas in the region. Wetlands constitute one of the richest and most productive ecosystems of the planet as they are of great importance due to their high biodiversity and their ecologic, socio-economic and landscape values, what makes them have a prioritary interest in conservation. Their scientific interest should also be noted, as these ecosystems behave as genuine natural laboratories where phytogeographical aspects such as migration of plants, and taxonomic aspects (e.g. speciation) can be studied. Despite the great value of saline wetlands, many aspects of their ecology, vegetation dynamics and floristic and phytocenotic composition still remain unknown. The aim of this doctoral thesis is to explain these topics.