Factores que determinan la práctica clínica basada en la evidencia en enfermeras de hospital y atención primaria

  1. de Pedro Gómez, Joan Ernest
Supervised by:
  1. Jordi Pericàs Beltrán Director
  2. José Miguel Morales Asencio Co-director

Defence university: Universitat de les Illes Balears

Fecha de defensa: 14 January 2011

  1. Blanca Marín Fernández Chair
  2. Antoni Aguiló Pons Secretary
  3. Pilar Serrano Gallardo Committee member
  4. Joan Llobera Cànaves Committee member
  5. César Hueso Montoro Committee member

Type: Thesis


This study analyses factors that nursing professionals perceive as facilitators, as well as the influence of both, practice environment and different professional profiles, in the development of an evidence-based clinical practice (EBCP), in the Balearic Islands’ Health Service. The Evidence Based Practice Questionnaire (EBPQ) and Nursing Work Index (PES-NWI) had previously been validated to Spanish context. A second stage was carried out to obtain a diagnose through a multicentre, cross-sectional, observational study with 3,129 nurses in the Balearic Health Service in 2009. The analysis strategy included an descriptive and bivariated analysis with parametric and non-parametric tests, and a multivariate analysis with the main variables in the study and the factors in the EBPQ and PES-NWI questionnaires. Results show significant differences among settings and professional profiles in developing an EBCPs and, further, they suggest key lines of action for health services.