Saber, poder y cultura de sí en la construcción de la autonomía del paciente en la toma de decisiones. Relación de la enfermera con el paciente, familia, equipo de salud y sistema sanitario

  1. Molina Mula, Jesús Tomás
Supervised by:
  1. Julia Gallo Estrada Director
  2. Bernat Riutort Serra Director
  3. Elisabeth Peter-Hardtke Director

Defence university: Universitat de les Illes Balears

Fecha de defensa: 22 March 2013

  1. Antoni Aguiló Pons Chair
  2. Alejandro Nicolás Miquel Novajra Secretary
  3. Jaime Zabala Blanco Committee member
  4. César Hueso Montoro Committee member
  5. María José López Montesinos Committee member

Type: Thesis


The scientific literature places the patient autonomy in decision-making in the clinical setting, at a crossroads between two ethical positions, paternalism and informed choice. Analyze records of clinical histories and nurses discourses, using a qualitative methodology and from the perspective of foucauldian ethics, allows knowing the factors that determine the power of patient decision. This study reveals that the patient is not autonomous in making decisions about your care because, to a certain institutionalization of care, which marks the rhythms of the decisions, the characteristics of the interprofessional-relationships and relational dynamics that exist between professionals, in particular, of the nurse with the patient and family. It should free the patient from the rules imposed by promoting their own behavior, their own lifestyle.