Trayectorias de vida de mujeres jóvenes en justicia juvenil. Voces y reflexiones desde dentro

  1. pozo gordaliza, rosario
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Trinidad Requena Director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 28 April 2011

  1. Bernabé Sarabia Heydrich Chair
  2. Rosa María Soriano Miras Secretary
  3. Mercedes Camarero Committee member
  4. Felipe Morente Mejías Committee member
  5. Sebastian Balfour Committee member

Type: Thesis


The research for this thesis focused on a study of young female offenders serving custodial sentences in juvenile reform schools. The central object of the research was to understand, analyze and describe the factors, contexts and social processes that lead young females to break the law and end up being placed in juvenile reform institutions. This objective was achieved by analyzing the meaning and significance of gender socialization and its influence on the commission of crime. In addition, by looking at the life experiences of these young women, studying the social and judicial dossiers/case studies and by observing the women in the juvenile institutions the study assesses how many young women are entering the criminal sphere and the reasons why. The study looks in particular depth at research into the contexts of the criminal behavior including the factors of ethnicity and socioeconomic class and culture. Esta tesis está consagrada a un fenómeno invisible: a la ausencia y la presencia de mujeres jóvenes en la escena institucional de la justicia juvenil y al significado de esa ausencia y presencia. Asimismo, pretende ser un acercamiento intelectual que permita llenar parte de un olvido de sus protagonistas (las menores en conflicto con la ley), un vacío científico de su proceso de criminalización y su escenario institucional (los centros de reforma de menores).