Los palacios episcopales en Andalucía orientallecturas de significación

  1. Luque Rodrigo, Laura
Supervised by:
  1. Pedro Antonio Galera Andreu Director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 28 October 2015

  1. Arsenio Moreno Mendoza Chair
  2. Miguel Angel León Coloma Secretary
  3. Sabine Frommel Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 415319 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


In this work we have studied an architectural typology that had’nt been studied in a way sitematic: the bishop’s palaces, fundamental to understanding the urban development of cities. In the first part we have been defined typologically the palaces; we have carried out a brief history of the typology in Europe; we have studied their uses, features and significance and items associated with them as ephemeral parties. It has also paid attention to the image of the palaces in other arts, important events related to them and to the idea of good governance. In the second part we have studied the bishop’s palaces of Eastern Andalusia (Diocese of Granada, Jaén, Guadix, Almería and Málaga), we have been investigated not only the architecture of the main palaces but bishop’s secondary houses that are in other locations of the dioceses, the bishop’s palaces as containers of art and its museology when there was.