Nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al análisis de la cerámica ibérica a torno del Alto Guadalquivir (S. VI a.n.e-S. I d.n.e)

  1. Martínez Carrillo, Ana Luisa
  1. Arturo Ruiz Rodríguez Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 2016(e)ko urtarrila-(a)k 28

  1. Juan Pereira Sieso Presidentea
  2. José Manuel Fuertes García Idazkaria
  3. Ann Degraeve Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 423393 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


This thesis presents a methodology for digitization, systematization and classification of archaeological ceramics. It has been performed on a reference collection composed of 1,133 ceramic vessels documented in settlements of the Iberian period of Andalusia (Jaén, Córdoba and Granada). Methods based on new technologies have been introduced to allow the elaboration of three-dimensional models of ceramic vessels, the construction of an online platform on which graphical and semantic information is included and the design of a decision support system for the ceramic classification based on image analysis. Finally the information has been inserted in the European culture portal of Europeana (