Efectos de un programa para reforzar la tolerancia hacia los refugiados a través de la empatía históricaaplicación con docentes de educación primaria en formación

  1. San Pedro Veledo, María Belén
Supervised by:
  1. María Luisa Zagalaz Sánchez Director
  2. Carmen González González de Mesa Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 31 May 2019

  1. María José León Guerrero Chair
  2. Javier Cachón Zagalaz Secretary
  3. Asunción Martínez Martínez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 597813 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor

Sustainable development goals


The main objectives of this study have been, on the one hand, to verify if the application of an intervention program with the students of the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education using historical empathy, linking the situation of the exiled of the Spanish Civil War with the situation of the current refugees, can contribute to the development of tolerant attitudes towards the latter, and on the other, determine to what extent the frequency of use of different means of communication (TV, Press, Webs, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook) influence the scores of the five studied dimensions related to tolerant attitudes. The results of the quantitative analyzes indicate that educational programs that use contextualization and historical empathy contribute to reinforcing tolerant attitudes towards refugees, and that these are related to the frequency of use of the media.