La incontinencia urinaria en mujeres de Jaén, estudio de prevalencia e impacto en su calidad de vida

Supervised by:
  1. Manuel Linares Abad Director
  2. Alfonso Cruz Lendínez Co-director
  3. María José Calero García Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 04 February 2016

  1. Juan Diego Pedrera Zamorano Chair
  2. Carmen Álvarez Nieto Secretary
  3. María Paz García Caro Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 424530 DIALNET


Urinary incontinence (UI) is a serious in problem in our society because of their frequency, magnitude and impact. People suffering UI can have serious social and psychological repercussions, in some cases impairs their quality of life and affects a huge health spending. Urinary incontinence in women will be the subject of our work and how it affects their quality oflife. To carry out the study included women from the town of Jaén of 30 to 80 years belonging to the Sanitary Distrct of Jaén. Questionnaire I-QOL and ICIQ-SF was used to asseee the quality of life. The prevalence found was 43,3% and this increases with age. Regarding the type of stress incontinence is the most common. Both tests used evidence that UI reduces the quality of life of women who suffer.