Estudio del español en Italia a través de sus gramáticas
- Ventura Salazar García Director
Defence university: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 24 June 2016
- Carmen Galán Rodríguez Chair
- Narciso Miguel Contreras Izquierdo Secretary
- Mercedes Quilis Merín Committee member
Type: Thesis
The main goal of th1s dissertation is to examine the teaching and learning of the Sparnsh language in ltaly over the centuries correspond1ng to the period of the Renaissance and its continuation unlll the 20th century.The f1rst grammar of !he Sparnsh language desllned for ltahan learners was /1 Paragone by Alessandri d'Urb1no from 1560 Subsequently, 1t was the Spaniard Juan de Miranda who wrote a grammar 1n 1622. Osservaz1om della lmgua castigliana a ld eventually Lorenzo Franc1osin1 who elaborated on th1s through Gramática Spagnuola and Dtálogos Apacibles . both from 1626. ,t has been carried out as a comparat1ve study of relevant grammatical issues in order to observe the evolution of didact1c approaches and the grammatical traditíon in ltaly. Afterwards, and dueto a new direction b8ing iciKt;11 liy the ltalian-Spanish relations, there has been a decrease in production of the didactic materials onented for educational usage regarding the Spanish language 1n ltaly until the 20th century.