Iconografía franciscana en la provincia de Jaéndel siglo XIII a la desamortización de 1836
- Miguel Angel León Coloma Directeur
Université de défendre: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 21 septembre 2017
- Francisco Javier Martínez Medina President
- María Josefa Cuesta García de Leonardo Secrétaire
- María del Mar Nicolás Martínez Rapporteur
Type: Thèses
We set out an overview about iconography of Franciscan order in Jaen province between its arrival in the 13th century and the Confiscation in 1836, supported on three scopes. First of them, evolution and standards of settlement in Jaen, attending to territorial distribution and reforms. Second of them, development of iconography of Franciscan saints, paying attention to artistic prototypes and printed and written sources, searching for relations with other artistic centres and suggesting authorships for several works. Finally, study of influence of Franciscan spirituality over other artistic subjects, based on texts produced under it, and providing with more prototypes and authorships.