Publications by the researcher in collaboration with CARLOS JESÚS FERNÁNDEZ BASSO (9)


  1. A Flexible Big Data System for Credibility-Based Filtering of Social Media Information According to Expertise

    International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol. 17, Núm. 1

  2. Are autonomous vehicles blamed differently?

    Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society

  3. Artificial Intelligence and Personal Knowledge Management tools for teaching

    VI Jornadas Internacionales en Innovación Docente en las titulaciones técnicas (INDOTEC 2023): Libro de actas (Universidad de Granada), pp. 21-28

  4. Can ChatGPT and other AI tools help in teaching tasks?

    VI Jornadas Internacionales en Innovación Docente en las titulaciones técnicas (INDOTEC 2023): Libro de actas (Universidad de Granada), pp. 13-20

  5. Improving automatic cyberbullying detection in social network environments by fine-tuning a pre-trained sentence transformer language model

    Social Network Analysis and Mining, Vol. 14, Núm. 1

  6. New Spark solutions for distributed frequent itemset and association rule mining algorithms

    Cluster Computing, Vol. 27, Núm. 2, pp. 1217-1234

  7. The influence of ChatGPT on the artificial intelligence teaching: Am ethical and correct use

    VI Jornadas Internacionales en Innovación Docente en las titulaciones técnicas (INDOTEC 2023): Libro de actas (Universidad de Granada), pp. 29-34