Biltzar ekarpenak (5) Ikertzaileren baten partaidetza izan duten argitalpenak


  1. Analysis of the relationship between bioclimatology and sustainable development

    Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies

  2. Cork oak vegetation series of southwestern iberian peninsula: Diversity and ecosystem services

    Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies

  3. El uso de tecnología para la enseñanza de estructuras foliares

    Conference proceedings. CIVINEDU 2021: 5th International Virtual Conference onEducational Research and Innovation

  4. Propuestas para el aprendizaje de la diversidad vegetal

    Conference proceedings. CIVINEDU 2021: 5th International Virtual Conference onEducational Research and Innovation

  5. Sobre la enseñanza virtual de especies y comunidades vegetales en Bachillerato y en Educación Universitaria

    Edunovatic2021. Conference proceedings: 6th Virtual International Conference on Education, Innovation and ICT