La enseñanza del español en Jamaica en un contexto angloparlante

  1. Corbett Baugh, Martha Luisa
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Bueno González Director
  2. Jesús Arzamendi Sáez de Ibarra Co-director
  3. Ventura Salazar García Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 24 July 2024

  1. María Victoria Mateo García Chair
  2. Antonio Vicente Casas Pedrosa Secretary
  3. Jerónimo Morales Cabezas Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 857289 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


This study analyzes the reality of Spanish language teaching at the Primary School Level in Jamaica and an expansion to secondary education. To this end, bibliographical, digital, and audiovisual information was consulted. The research was enriched with the observation of classes, with the work of supervising Teaching Practice, in-person and virtual surveys, among other research tools. The methodology employed was mixed, by combining qualitative and quantitative, empirical, and ethnographic methods. The results offered contributions for teachers of Spanish at the Primary Level and, by extension, at other levels. It led to the creation of a series of teaching aids, such as a Spanish Lesson Plan Manual for primary level teachers and, by extension, for Secondary Level teachers, a virtual classroom for teachers in EDMODO and other contributions, which can be used in Jamaican classrooms and, through extended collaboration, in the classrooms of the fifteen countries of the English-speaking Caribbean.