Modelado complejo de información lingüística en problemas de toma de decisión en grupo bajo incertidumbre
- Luis Martínez López Director
- Rosa Mª Rodríguez Domínguez Co-director
Defence university: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 30 April 2021
- Humberto Bustince Sola Chair
- Pedro José Sánchez Sánchez Secretary
- Gabriella Pasi Committee member
Type: Thesis
The modelling of linguistic information in Group Decision Making (GDM) problems with uncertainty and its Consensus Reaching Processes (CRPs) has become a very important research line in the field of decision making. Most of the proposals focused on linguistic modelling are based on the fuzzy linguistic approach and use linguistic expressions close to the way human beings’ thinking to model the uncertainty inherent in decision problems. However, many of these proposals have limitations in terms of interpretation and/or accuracy. In this doctoral thesis, a new methodological framework has been proposed for the modelling and treatment of uncertainty for GDM and CRPs problems by means of complex linguistic expressions that allow modelling the experts’ opinions in this type of problems.