Didáctica, cultura y educación en contextos de diversidadretazos de un pensamiento compartido con el Dr. González Soto

  1. José Antonio Torres González
UTE Teaching & Technology: Universitas Tarraconensis

ISSN: 1135-1438 2385-4731

Year of publication: 2022

Issue Title: Ángel-Pío González Soto. In Memoriam

Issue: 1

Pages: 152-168

Type: Article

More publications in: UTE Teaching & Technology: Universitas Tarraconensis


In this article we try to reflect on some passages of my personal and academic relationship with Professor González Soto. At first, we address how education/culture relationships highlight the issue of cultural diversity and individual active participation in the process of re-elaborating that culture. We analyze how problematic situations can arise when the diversity of subjects and cultures requires that, in order to achieve the goals of social participation under equal conditions, diverse educational situations must be foreseen, different from those that the average population uses to achieve them. This implies a requirement for educational diversification or adaptation to adapt education to the diverse and unique profile of people. In a second moment, to delve into the long road traveled by the education of different people up to the current moments of educational inclusion, placing special emphasis on the pedagogical nature of the processes of attention to diversity. Finally, we refer to the didactic action in contexts of diversity from the premises that both individuality and sociability are two didactic actions, and therefore pedagogical, that converge in the formation of the personality of individuals.

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